One thing I will always remember about my
Grami is how beautiful her hands were and how she always wore numerous rings and it looked elegant on her not gaudy. When she passed away in early 2004, way before her time, my family was going through her things to see what each of us wanted to have of hers to remember her. This ring was the first thing that came to my mind - I didn't know at the time that it was her birthstone ring. When I realized that, I knew my mom would want it and that was fine with me. My mom did know however that I wanted the ring so this year for my birthday she gave it to me. Whenever I wear it I think of my Grami and miss her but I am comforted knowing she is in Heaven with God. I will wear and cherish this
Peridot ring and the memories for all my days.
Thank you mom!
That is so sweet. It is nice to have things like that to remember loved ones by, and the ring is beautiful!
Ok, that made me cry. Gosh I miss Mom so much. You know better than anyone just how much fun she would have hanging out with us :)
You are welcome and Mom/Grami would love you wearing it.
Love you sweetie
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